Tailor Research provides phone and on-line based surveys. Our advantage is our ability to help our customers through the survey process, to ensure that the end results meet the client’s objectives. Also, we offer programming, design, and QA as part of our pricing, unlike many vendors. Finally, we can offer more open-ended qualitative questions, then most vendors. In fact, we encourage this.
How We Meet Your Needs

Step 1
We spend time getting to know your needs and objectives. For example, who you want to survey, what questions you want answered, any underlying objectives or goals.

Step 2
We help design the questions/survey to optimize results and then program the survey into our systems for you.

Step 3
We identify leads using our Data Team, which has many different systems and resources.

Step 4
If the survey is called-based, we have an extensive pool of trained callers around the globe. Based on the particular needs of your survey, we select an optimal team and spend the time necessary before implementation to educate them on the specific goals of the project.

Step 5
We employ no less than three layers of Quality Assurance prior for each survey response. We even guaranteed our work.

Step 6
We synthesize and organize the data, then provide robust analytics. Tables, charts, graphs and more are generated. Open-ended questions are categorized. With thousands of data points, we make digesting the data easier. All of this is in a program that you're already used to using... Excel.

Step 7
We provide and review at your convenience a comprehensive research report.